Listen to Kaleidoscopic Remix of Destroyer’s “Forces From Above” by Bandmember John Collins

Destroyer’s Poison Season is easily one of the Best Albums of 2015, and their recent concert at the Regent in Los Angeles matched the album and raised it one (or ten). So when anything Destroyer-related comes our way these days, we’are all ears. Today, the band released their own John Collins’ (“DJ”) remix of the single Forces from Above. Versus the string-laden bongo-propelled soar of the original, this version is all over the musical map and takes glorious flight in its second half. Collins deftly adds Jamaican dub elements and then lays the tone-heavens above bare and spare, ultimately adding more dub and electronica effects and percussion and driving violins and horns, resulting in breath-taking wall-of-sound propulsion. We love everything about the remix. That felt good, indeed! Check it out below.
Collins hilariously had this to say:
“DJ has heard of dubstep. DJ is sickened by the organic, human nature of the album version of “Forces From Above” and of the Poison Season feel in general, when the words are so often about mechanised abuse at a societal level. It makes no sense. However, DJ understands malaise and being lost in the simple maze (a couple of squiggly lines) of one’s dreary thoughts. DJ knows for a fact that “Forces From Above” is about CAMPS, like internment camps and concentration camps.
DJ heard this from Bejar himself, muttered once or twice, in his bunk. DJ mixes are not interested in release; they are exercises in tension that go nowhere, much like a life. DJ dabbles in queer theory. DJ mixes on an iPhone; too bad
DJ says, “Destroyer’s sadness is no match for mine. Mine cannot be contained. It never has been able to be.” Extemporaneous night is something DJ is working on. DJ mourns the undanceability of his mixes, but it won’t always be this way.
DJ does not believe techno music to be a suitable medium for songwriters.
DJ created this mix as a response to the challenge of making an unmasterable WAV file.”