Watch Sufjan Stevens Perform “All Of Me Wants All of You” in Santa Barbara

We won’t bore you with another rave review of a Sufjan Stevens concert (go HERE for that). Suffice it to say that Stevens and his suave supporters (Dawn Landes, Casey Foubert, and drummer James McAlister) honored Santa Barbara with as moving and splendiferous a performance as has been seen in these parts. Stevens yet again craftily accented and embellished the affecting Carrie & Lowell songs and capped the show off with an encore of fan favorites. To get a feel watch the fan video below of the mesmerizing All Of Me Wants All Of You as performed in Santa Barbara. Stevens confessed this was his first visit to Santa Barbara and his adoration of the soap opera of the same name (gads). Here’s hoping Stevens brings his musical mystery tour back soon.
You can check out photos and the setlist below the video (they did not perform Heirloom). To get a more expansive feel, you can watch videos from the earlier Dorothy Chandler shows HERE and go HERE to listen to/download a well-captured, recent show in Madrid.