In Paris: U2, Patti Smith and Eagles of Death Metal Paid Homage to Paris

Oh to have been in Paris the last two nights (any time, really). On those nights U2 rescheduled their shows cancelled in the wake of the Parisian terrorist attacks on November 13th. On Sunday U2 brought with them Patti Smith to help sing her version of Gloria and also the apropos anthem People Have The Power. And tonight U2 brought out Eagles of Death Metal (who were the headliners at the Bataclan on that fateful night in November) to perform I Love You All The Time (which artists have been covering as requested by the band in support of the Parisian victims) and People Have The Power.
Check out those powerful, heart-stirring performances below. Along the way, Bono said to the Parisian audience: “Grief is like a wound that never fully closes. I am still feeling it and I was 14 when my mother left me but she left me as an artist and this wound became an opening into another world and I found these three (pointing to his band). Rock n’ roll saved me, these men saved me, you saved me. We can’t save you but our role tonight is to serve you. We have the privilege to be your servants this evening.” As an introduction to Eagles of Death Metal, Bono graciously said: “They were robbed of their stage three weeks ago. We’d like to offer them ours tonight.”
The concert was filmed by HBO and will be broadcast tonight.