Watch Glen Hansard’s “Winning Streak” Continue on Conan

Glen Hansard has continued to win fans with his new album Didn’t He Ramble and while out on his tour streaking across America. We caught his superb show at the Walt Disney Concert Hall last month, and it was one of the Best Concerts of 2015. To get a feel, watch Hansard’s (and his heavenly horde’s) performance below of Winning Streak from the album last night on Conan.
Hansard recently told NPR that “Winning Streak is simply a well wish to a friend, to someone who’s been finding it hard to see the goodness in their lives. It’s a pat on the back and an encouragement to try see the good and a blessing in the everyday. Each day we’re alive is a day we can reinvent or look at life from a different perspective. Nothing changes until we do, so it’s a song of encouragement to see these things and act on them.”
The song’s lyrics are at bottom.
Winning Streak:
“Through summers long and winters cold
May you always have someone good to hold,
And may good fortune wait on every bend,
And may your winning streak,
May it never end
So, roll the dice, boy, ‘cause my money’s on you,
Take my advice now and put your money down too,
Because there’s something in the eye you can’t pretend,
And may your winning streak,
May it never end
And may the sign
Of the Southern Cross
Be some comfort to you when you’re lost,
And may the devil’s evil eye
Pass you by
Well, it’s not for glory, I tell you true,
That I do these things I do for you,
But for a promise I made now I must defend,
And may your winning streak,
May it never end
And may the sign of the cross
Be some comfort when you’re lost,
Help you when you’re all broke down,
May the spirit of good brethren
Turn you around
And may the devil’s evil eye
Pass you right by,
Don’t you look back my friend,
And may the sisters of good charity
Take you in
Through summers long and winters cold
May you always have someone good to hold,
And may good fortune wait on every bend,
And may your winning streak,
May it never end
May your winning streak,
May it never end.”