Break Out the Handkerchiefs and Watch D’Angelo Pay Poignant Tribute to Prince Last Night On Fallon

We are starting to sound like a broken record. But when we lose one of the greats in this fleeting world, it pays to dwell. Thankfully, we are not alone in this. Other great artists continue to pay tribute to Prince. Last night on the Fallon Show, the mighty D’Angelo deliberately and poignantly performed Prince’s Sometimes It Snows in April. It is no secret that D’Angelo and Prince were frequent allies and friends, so until last night we could only imagine the particular ache in D’Angelo (who also recently lost Phife). Watch below and feel the palpable pain. Towards the end of the song, D’Angelo substitutes Prince’s “Tracy” and sings “I often dream of heaven and I know that Prince is there.” He then pauses, overtaken. The “Princess” backers (the remarkable Maya Rudolph and Gretchen Lieberum) step in for D’Angelo and sing: “I know that he has found another friend.”
Not a dry eye in the house.
“And I know that Prince is there….” Indeed.