Listen to Feist’s Heartfelt Cover of “Flamenco” For Gord Downie of The Tragically Hip

We’ve been anxiously awaiting new music from Feist. But not like this.
It was disclosed yesterday on The Tragically Hip’s website that their frontman, Gord Downie, has been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Despite that very sad news, Downie and the band will go out on one last tour of Canada this summer, despite the diagnosis. “This feels like the right thing to do now, for Gord, and for all of us … So we’re going to dig deep and try to make this our best tour yet.” The tour (dates can be seen HERE) will coincide with the release of the band’s latest album, Man Machine Poem.
Today, Feist posted the home-recorded cover of The Tragically Hip’s song Flamenco with the following tribute: “For Gord. We’ll all be there this summer to see you bring out the new songs with your singular guts and panache…. and the golden oldies that are so golden. All my respect, admiration and love, Leslie.”
The song and cover are beauty and the ache in Feist’s voice is palpable. We wish miraculous remission for Downie and nothing but peace. We won’t let it it diminish our super capacity to love.