Watch Spoon Completely Captivate on Corden
Mar 10th, 2017 in Music
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It’s a good week for TV rock ‘n roll (and America) when Spoon appears twice on the talk shows. Last night’s showing was a bit different than we’re used to from Britt Daniels and the boys. We’re more used to seeing Spoon rock hard as if post-spoon (see Exhibit A, this week’s performance of Hot Thoughts on Kimmel). But Spoon will occasionally break out a ballad(-ish). Even when they do, though, they can’t help pulsing it for a bit. Check out the band vacillating and wowing below while performing I Ain’t The One on James Corden’s show last night. Great stuff from the always-reliable Spoon. Their new album is out on Matador on March 17th. Get it.