We Strongly Recommend (Ahem) Cigarettes After Sex

We are constantly confused by band names that seem purposely designed to hurt a band’s marketing efforts and popularity. Over the past decade-plus we’ve endured all possible variations of band names featuring the F-bomb (F-ed Up, etc., ad nauseum–at least Jenny Lewis used an acronym for NAF). While we’re certainly not petulant prudences, we don’t understand why bands intentionally handicap their possible broader acceptance with such names. It’s not as if these names shock the general public. While Cigarettes After Sex is a comparatively tame name, it’s still TMI, is (if you will) a mouthful (six syllables–hello? The Beatles? The Clash? Rolling Stones? U2? Blur?), and we detest cigarettes. Despite the name games, this Brooklyn band’s music is so compelling we have no choice but to recommend them to you.
Though the band has been bubbling under for quite some time, CAS began to get more attention in 2015 via their YouTube offerings. Smartly, Partisan Records then signed them and will release their self-titled debut album on June 9th.
We hadn’t given them much ear until we heard what we thought was a new Lana Del Rey song. But no, instead it was the androgynous vocal of CAS’ leader Greg Gonzalez. Sounding like a mash-up of Interpol interpreting Smiths songs with Lana Del Sandoval on vocals, CAS’s highly-romantic songs wash over you and enthrall with stirring melodies and evocative lyrics:
“Kisses on the foreheads of the lovers wrapped in your arms
You’ve been hiding them in hollowed out pianos left in the dark…”
To get a feel for the upcoming album, check out below the just-released Each Time You Fall In Love followed by Apocalypse. Both have been on repeat ever since we first heard the latter.
You can pre-order CAS debut album HERE.
The band is heading to Europe to tour in a few weeks and will hit the West Coast in September. Get the dates and tickets HERE.