It’s Blockbuster Friday: Check Out Video/Song Releases from Arcade Fire and Radiohead

Seems like Fridays are the new blockbuster reveal-days in the music industry. Following a tumultuous Thursday, two of the biggest names in music, Radiohead and Arcade Fire, have today released official videos for new(ish) songs. Heard of ’em? Entire Amazon Clouds are bursting with bytes of bravos for both these beloved bands.
So we will desist, except to say that Arcade Fire’s new big-budget video and announced big-arena tour smack of big-business to us (and more power to ’em, but at least Radiohead had the grace to tour some smaller venues such as the Santa Barbara Bowl). That’s no comment on the new song, which as usual swings for the fences and touches all the bases of their anthem-ish tendencies. But time will tell if Everything Now and its other tracks are merely overwrought and under-thought Reflektor fodder or something resembling their masterful albums The Suburbs or Funeral. Leader Win Butler has said about the new release: “There’s sort of an everything-nowness to life, I feel like almost every event and everything that happens surrounds you on all sides. It’s trying to capture some of the experiences of being alive now in all its flaws and all its glory.” Fingers-crossed for deliverance Win, but for now we’re sticking with our Song of the Week from Broken Social Scene.
As for Radiohead, they have released a new video for I Promise, an unreleased OK Computer-era song from their upcoming OK Computer 20th Anniversary reissue OKNOTOK. There’s much to love about this song (featuring Thom Yorke’s ever-stunning vocalese), which track had to have been left off of the original OK Computer release because it just wasn’t experimental/exploratory enough to mesh with the likes of Airbag, Paranoid Android, etc. It’s a beauty nonetheless.