Listen to Lambchop’s “The Hustle” Revamped Into Barry White, Van McCoy Homage “The Hustle Unlimited”

Lambchop’s album FLOTUS, was easily one of the Best Albums of 2016, and their tour through LA at The Bootleg Theater in May provided one of the most memorable shows of the year. Now Lambchop has released a revamped take on the 18-minute track The Hustle off of FLOTUS, redubbing the re-done song The Hustle Unlimited. In addition to taking it’s moniker from the famous Van McCoy disco instrumental, Lambchop redacts The Hustle Unlimited to 5:38 and frames it in Tony Crow’s string arrangements, Andy Stack’s deft percussion and Kurt Wagner’s Barry White-isms. Hence the 1974 hustle and feel of White’s Love Unlimited Orchestra.
Wagner had this to say about the redone song: “Sometimes things can get out of control, an impromptu idea is presented and you take that idea to a logical conclusion to see where it goes. In this case Tony Crow [piano] came up with a rather ‘Love Unlimited Orchestra’ take on the hustle during a rehearsal with Andy Stack [drums, Wye Oak]. It seemed nuts at the time but being rather nuts ourselves I thought we should try recording it and taking it all the way to full realization. Plus it was a great way to capture Andy’s tenure with us in the studio.”
Check it out below and go pre-order The Hustle Unlimited 12″ with Lambchop’s cover of Prince’s When You Were Mine on the flip-side. The 12-inch single will be released August 8 and is available for pre-order HERE.