Watch the PS22 Chorus Lift Up Sufjan Stevens’ “Blue Bucket of Gold”

We have written once before of the revolving 5th graders at PS22 in Staten Island, NY and their director Gregg Breinberg. According to the PS22 Chorus page: “PS22 Chorus was formed in the year 2000. We are an ever-changing group of 5th graders from a public elementary school in Staten Island…. PS22 Chorus just features ordinary children achieving extraordinary accomplishments — musically and otherwise. PS22 Chorus has been featured on…the 2011 Academy Awards, closing the show with a stunning rendition of “Somewhere of Over The Rainbow.” The chorus has performed for President Obama, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Stevie Nicks and a host of others. The kids have sung with Katy Perry, Queen Latifah, Tori Amos…and many more….”
We were caught off guard recently when Sufjan Stevens himself posted the video below of the PS22 kids completely nailing his heart Blue Bucket of Gold (lyrics below). We in particular love the high “ohs” in the “chorus.” Raise your right hand! Beauty, right there. Stevens wrote: “The world is abundant. This gives me hope.” We completely concur.
Now if we could just get some enterprising California grade school choir director to have California kids sing California Stars (by Wilco/Billy Bragg/Woody Guthrie), we’d really have something. Paging choir directors, hello?
“My blue bucket of gold
Friend, why don’t you love me?
Once the myth has been told
The lens deforms it as lightning
Raise your right hand
Tell me you want me in your life
Or raise your red flag
Just when I want you in my life
Search for things to extol
Friend, the fables delight me
My blue bucket of gold
Lord, touch me with lightning
Raise your right hand
Tell me you want me in your life
Or raise your red flag
Just when I want you in my life”