Check Out Eleanor Friedberger’s New Song and Video–Opening for The Decemberists Tonight in Santa Barbara

As mentioned yesterday, long-time Lefort-fave Eleanor Friedberger is opening tonight for The Decemberists at the Arlington Theater in Santa Barbara. A founding member of the legendary/vaunted band The Fiery Furnaces, Friedberger has gone on to issue a series of superb and highly-acclaimed solo albums. Friedberger is set to release her new album, Rebound, on Frenchkiss Records on May 4, 2018. Check out below the ravishing first song In Between Stars via its official video. As usual with Eleanor, we love this new song and can’t wait to Rebound! You can pre-order it HERE.
About the video below, Friedberger says: “I saw Danny do live visuals for Body/Head (Kim Gordon and Bill Nace) and Bjorn Copeland (formerly of Black Dice) while I was in LA in January. I thought his use of analog feedback and bold color fit the mood of Rebound perfectly. With a little moral support and instruction from Kim Gordon: ‘move around, just twirl.’ I turned the camera on myself and hit record.”
Following tonight’s opening for The Decemberists, Friedberger sets on various dates between now and June. All tour dates and tickets can be found HERE, including her headlining May 9th in LA at the Moroccan Lounge.