Watch The Decemberists Dishing New Ditties on Jimmy Kimmel Show–Coming to Santa Barbara This Friday

Long-time faves The Decemberists last week released their new album, I’ll Be Your Girl, on Capitol. It’s a feisty affair featuring augmented sounds and glowering lyrical glances. In short: we like it a ton.
The band showed up on Jimmy Kimmel Live! this week and performed Severed and We All Die Young. Check ’em out below. Severed adds analog-synth lead a la Depeche Mode, and features autocratic, POTUS-inspired lyrics and heavenly harmonies. Though written before and unrelated to Parkland, We All Die Young is an outstanding rocker, the chorus of which (with its children’s choir mien) can’t help but remind us of that tragedy. Which reminds: don’t forget the March For Our Lives this Saturday, March 24th, throughout the nation. Those responsible will have to suffer repercussions.
As mentioned previously the band will pay their first visit to Santa Barbara this Friday night, performing at the Arlington Theater with the fabulous Eleanor Friedberger opening (more on Ms. Friedberger tomorrow). Don’t you miss it! Tickets are still available HERE.