Listen to New Hold Steady Song “I Hope This Whole Thing Didn’t Frighten You” From Impending New Album

Jan 23rd, 2014 in Music


We were slow to hold on to The Hold Steady, but when we finally did with their 2010 album, Heaven Is Whenever, we were completely sold.  Leader Craig Finn’s well-crafted lyrics about commoners and regulars and their trials and tribulations, coupled with the band’s and Finn’s resolute and rocking delivery, won us over completely.  It’s now been four years, and the band will finally release their sixth album, Teeth Dreams, on March 25th via Washington Square Records.   To get a feel, the band today released (via Rolling Stone) a new song for listening entitled I Hope This Whole Thing Didn’t Frighten YouFinn told Rolling Stone:  “We were looking to make a big rock record,” he admits. “Maybe it’s less wild but in some ways that makes it a bigger record.”  We’ll have to see about the new “big rock” sound and its effects on Finn’s compelling mien.  Hmmm.  Just when we got on board, they’re going to mix things up.  On this first blush, the sound hews a little too close to the arena sounds of Foo Fighters and similars for our tastes, but we’re willing to hold steady for the remainder of the album before rushing to judgment.

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