Watch Jack White Unplugged at Fountainebleau for La Blogothèque

Sep 4th, 2014 in Music


We’ve all been thrilled by Jack White’s incendiary electronic guitar flourishes, but his enthralling unplugged performances have become even rarer these days.  Today France’s fanastique La Blogothèque remedied this conundrum by releasing (on its A Take Away Show series) a special vignette filmed at the Château de Fountainebleau of White, Lillie Mae Rische, Dominic Davis and Fats Kaplin unplugged and performing two gems from White’s treasure-trove discography.  Watch below as White and ensemble first perform the older White Stripes’ track The Same Boy You’ve Always Known (beginning perfectly with the chapel bells’ harmony starting at 0:36).  This performance segues to the rooftop where White and Rische render a superb version of the castigating Entitlement off of his much-acclaimed recent album, Lazaretto.  Well-played (and sung) Mr. White, and well-captured La Blogothèque.  Bravo!

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