Caveman Joins Fat Possum’s Posse

Jan 11th, 2012 in Music

New York City’s Caveman received a cartload of critical praise and best-listing at year’s end.  And for good reason, as you’ll see in the videos and songs below. Today, the ever-fattening label, Fat Possum Records, announced the signing of the band and a new tour.  Caveman received huzzahs in 2011 for their debut album, CoCo Beware, from the likes of The New York Times and NPR, and for their big-band, big-voiced sound live.  Their sonance is not far afield of Grizzly Bear (a good thing) and soundly out-foxes the fumbling Fleet Foxes. We’re still gauging their lyrical loft, which seems to employ mantra-like repetition. Time will tell.

Check out the band below performing (including all 25 or whatever percussionists) live at The Bowery Ballroom and then the official video for Caveman’s, Easy Water [Sidebar:  what is it with all the official song videos of band members and others diving into and swimming in water?? The last half of the year witnessed at least 15 or more such offerings, including several from some of our favorite bands.  Note to video directors and bands:  the underwater viscous-view was never scintillating, and was overdone at one.  Please stop with the bandwagoneering and move on.]  And after the swim, download a free song (Thankful) and check the tour dates.



01.11 Toronto, ONT: Legendary Horseshoe Tavern
01.12 Detroit, MI: PJ’s Lager House
01.13 Chicago, IL: Schubas
01.14 Madison, WI: High Noon Saloon
01.15 Cleveland, OH: Happy Dog
01.20 New York, NY: Bowery Ballroom
02.15 London, UK: The Macbeth
02.16 Paris, France: La Fleche D’Or – Fireworks Festival
02.17 St Malo, France: La Route du Rock

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